
Computer Ergonomics and the Office of the Future - Part 3

Computer Ergonomics and the Office of the Future - Part 3 - Computers

In Part 3 we will argue Architectural Innovations such as Overhead Lighting, Partial Cubicles, Personal Storage and Homier Designs.

Architectural Innovations

Overhead Lighting Design

Overhead lighting will work in conjunction with the normal light from outside windows. In order to reduce eyestrain reasoned along glare from inside and outside lighting monitors must be placed in such a way so that overhead and outside lighting is not shining or reflecting at the screen or in the computer user's eyes.

In maximum buildings today the lighting devise does no offer this flexibility. Usually what happens in most of the buildings I have seen is if the monitor is placed perpendicular to the window and to the front of the body the overhead lighting is placed in such a way that it brights alternatively reflects directly in the eyes.

The overhead lighting must be placed so that the beams of light shine and reflect towards the sides of the body. This design of overhead lighting in association with placing the monitor perpendicular to the window is the best of both lighting earths. Architects, are you listening?

Partial Cubicles

Partial cubicles ambition allow because some privacy and also the ability as the employee to feel for though they are working in a larger space. The cubicles offer very mini room to migrate and can choke creativity, inspiration and productivity. Plus the desk space places are also small.

I penetrate the potentiality of adjustable elevation screens accompanied aboard ceilings namely can be adapted up and down depending on the time of daytime and the measure of sun namely is shining on their particular workspace. It can likewise offer a bit of privacy while focusing on a particular project.

Personal Storage

I see a place to put all personal items (coats, sweater, wallet, accessory shoes, etc.) so that they are not cached below desk area. When these items have not place to work besides beneath the desk area it creates little space for legs and feet. Legs can get cramped when they do not have room to move nigh under the desk.

If the thighs are often looking for a way to be snug the computer consumer may shove the body away from the space How almost a private closet fair for personal items amuse! If you are a foreman or facilities manager give some personal space to your workers. Their personal items are just as valuable as all their files (if only more!).

Homier Design

I see designs that help the worker feel extra by home when by work so that they are more easeful. There will be lighting with changing hues and emphasize draw on walls. I see inside and outside areas built to help loosen the worker such as gardens, fountains and sitting areas in nature.

There will be more artwork on the walls that are relaxing or remind the employee of a hobby or belief that grounds them. More pictures of family and fun.

Why not feel large at work too!

The final and final chapter in this series - Architectural Designs Intersecting with Home Life - Part 4

See you there!

